Ezekiel 2.1-5
2 Corinthians 12.2-10
Mark 6.1-13
As often happens in the gospels, Jesus proves to be a
divisive figure. Whenever he appears, he disturbs the status quo. Some believe
and accept him, others reject him. So he provokes a strong reaction, for or
against. He is a scandalous figure. Scandals both attract and repel, but you
can’t remain neutral to them. A scandal is something that we can’t leave alone.
And scandal runs through the gospels, from the birth of Jesus among outsiders
at Bethlehem to his death on a Roman Cross. Scandal is there today, though
concealed by the translation: “And they took offence at him”. Really, its says
they were scandalised in him.
The crowd in his home town reject Jesus, but not because
they don’t see his wisdom or deeds of power. Then they would just have ignored
him, he would have made no impact on them. No, they do see what he is doing, “Where did this man get all this”, they
ask, whence come this wisdom and these deeds of power? They see, but they
reject what they see, because it does not fit in with their preconceptions,
their idea of what the Messiah must be like. They know him, they think. “Is not
this the carpenter, the son of Mary?” This is just an ordinary unremarkable man.
This sort of man cannot be one who does such deeds, who has such wisdom, so
they are scandalised by the contradiction and reject him.
To accept Jesus needs faith. Faith is needed to see that
this scandalous figure, the outsider, the reject, is in truth the Son of God,
the Messiah. Faith alone enables us to move beyond scandal to acceptance. And
it is faith that opens the way to a living relationship with Jesus Christ, in
which we find ourselves entering the Kingdom of God.
So we see in this passage a contrast between the people
of Nazareth, who do not have faith and reject Jesus, and the disciples, the
“twelve”, who do have faith and follow him.
The mission of Jesus is risky. There is no guaranteed
outcome. He does not force people’s belief or acceptance. Faith is a gift from
God, not something human beings construct, and certainly not something we can
enforce. And what is true of the mission of Jesus is true of his disciples, too.
The twelve have seen his rejection by the people of
Nazareth, and his amazement at their lack of faith. They know that this
preaching of the Kingdom is a precarious business, with no certain outcome. And,
once they know that, Jesus sends them out to take the same risk, to face the
same possibility of rejection and unbelief.
So the disciples go out in pairs, to support each other.
But they must take nothing with them and be totally dependent for the necessities
of life on how they are received. No gimmicks, no dependence on human strength
or ingenuity, no guarantee of success. Like St Paul in today’s second reading they
are sent out in weakness.
But they are sent out in weakness precisely so that the
Divine power may be revealed in them. It is because of their poverty before the
world that they are able to proclaim repentance, cast out demons, and heal the
sick. It is because they associate themselves with the scandal of Jesus,
because they take on his risk of rejection, that their ministry bears fruit and
faith in Jesus spreads.
The disciples have made themselves poor and weak in their
ministry, so that when faith does appear it is clearly seen to be a gift from
God, and not something that they have produced by being impressive. When they
are small enough to leave room for God to act, then faith can appear.
The Church continues the mission of Jesus and must
reflect him. The Church, if it is to be true to the mission it has received,
must stand before the world exposed to the risk of crisis, scandal and
rejection. In poverty and littleness the Church leaves room for God to act and
faith to grow.
But how much we resist that! How much we want to avoid
rejection, and devise all sorts of human schemes to impress and get people on
side, to avoid scandalising them! But a church that depends on itself withers
away. It preaches itself instead of Jesus. St Paul tells us, the gospels tell
us, again and again, that human strength is weakness for the Gospel. When we
try to make ourselves big, when the Church makes itself the message, when we
try to manage the risks and avoid the scandal, then we leave no room for God.
If it becomes all about us, then the world will just see us and not Jesus.
It is in our human weakness, in littleness and risk, that
God’s power is revealed. In early times the Church was known as the “mystery of
the moon”, the mysterium lunae. Just
as the moon has no light of its own but shines only by reflecting the sun, so
the Church shines only by reflecting Jesus. A church that is obsessed with
itself and its own image obscures and traps the gospel, and fails to show Jesus
to the world.
Pope Francis, just before his election, had this to say
about the present crisis in the Church, as he saw it, and much of what he said
about his own church can apply to the Church of England, too. In the book of
Revelation Jesus says, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock”. We usually read
that as Jesus trying to get in to our own closed hearts, and that is not wrong.
But there is also the closed door of the self-obsessed church, on which Jesus
is knocking trying to get out to the world that needs him.
Let us therefore not be afraid of risk and weakness. The
Church is so anxious at the moment about so many things, wanting to be big and
impressive, in denial of the risk of rejection, eaten up by the fear of
scandal. But Jesus still speaks to us and calls us to stop obsessing about
ourselves, to follow him in his way and reflect his light.
If we are to reflect Jesus, and not ourselves, then we
must be attentive to him. God gives us the assurance of faith that by our
baptism we are adopted in Christ as children of God. This sets us free to focus
on Jesus and not on ourselves. We will reflect Jesus if we listen to his voice
speaking in the scriptures, and walk with him in the gospels. We will shine
with his light in the world if we draw close to him and are fed by him
frequently in the Blessed Sacrament.
As disciples of Jesus we must reflect him and not
ourselves, and not be worried about ourselves. The path of risk and weakness and
littleness is the path of the gospel. The path of identifying with Jesus the
scandal is the path of the gospel. Only that, and no substitute that we can
devise, will make Jesus visible, open people’s hearts to faith, and draw them
into God’s kingdom.
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