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(Bible Illustrations by Sweet Media, from Wikimedia Commons) |
Genesis 15.1-6Heb 11:1-3, 8-16Luke 12:32-40
There are four platforms at Manor Park station. Normally the 08.26 London train leaves from Platform 1, but this morning, as there was engineering work, it went from Platform 3. But you would only have known this if you’d paid attention to the departure screen. Which the people running to get from platform 1 to platform 3 as the train came in probably hadn’t done.
That reminded me of this morning’s gospel reading, the
master of the house and the thief arriving at unexpected times – you have to be
alert, or you’ll miss them. These are parables of God’s kingdom arriving in
unexpected and disoreintating ways: a master who serves his slaves, the shock
and upset of a burglary.
There is a great theme that runs through our readings this
morning: God’s generosity, the generosity of God who unexpectedly stoops to
meet us in our littleness.
The generosity of God is something we see in his promise
to Abram – later called Abraham – that his descendents would be as many as the
stars of heaven. It’s a huge promise, and Abraham doesn’t see how it can
happen. He and his wife can’t have children.
Elsewhere in Abraham’s story we we him trying to take
control himself, as human beings often do. He thinks, God has promised all
these offspring, but my wife and I can’t have children, what shall I do? I
know, I’ll have some children with a slave girl. Which he proceeds to do. Remember
this is a story from the bronze age, standards of behaviour were different then.
But God says, no, this is my promise, I’m in charge. I’ll
do it. So then Abraham believes him, and Abraham and his wife Sarah do then
have a son, Isaac, the ancestor of the twelve tribes of Israel.
That promise to Abraham was not, however, for himself, but
for the future. It was part of God’s long plan to work out our salvation
through the grand sweep of human history. As the letter to the Hebrews puts it
this morning, Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Jacob, “died in faith without having
received the promises, but from a distance they saw and greeted them”.
And this in spite of all the ways in which Abraham and
Sarah, Isaac and Jacob, kept getting it wrong. God had promised and God would
deliver. Their own littleness and inadequacy was no obstacle to God. As Hebrews
says, “God is not ashamed to be called their God”. What a wonderful thing that
tells us about God. God is not ashamed to be the God of the weak and the
stumbling and the inadequate. God stoops to us in our littleness. His promise
is what we need.
Faith in God enables us to receive what God promises.
Faith is the key. And it is the one we have faith in who matters, not our
strength or the strength of our faith.
In a couple of weeks, should the Lord tarry, I’ll be off
walking in the hills of northern Italy once more. If I’m walking on a bridge
over a river or a deep valley, I have to have faith in the bridge to set foot
on it. But it is the strength of the bridge, not the strength of my faith, that
matters. Even if my footsteps are faltering and uncertain, if the bridge is
sound, I’ll get across.
So it is with God. Our littleness is no obstacle to him. In
fact our littleness is necessary if God is to be able to act. If we want to be
big and fill up the space and do everything ourselves, that leaves no room for
God. Jesus says to his disciples today, “Do not be afraid, little flock, for it
is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”
This is very important. The Church is called to be a
little flock. Not necessarily small in numbers, though we should not be anxious
if we are. But humble and small before God. Not clinging on to possessions or
anything else that might tempt us to be big, and to think that we can build
God’s Kingdom for him.
That temptation has occurred often in the history of the
Church. In the years of Christendom and colonial empires Christian faith was
sometimes imposed by force, or at least by persuasion heavily backed by
political and economic clout.
A bit like Abraham having children with a slave girl,
because he thought that God needed a hand to keep his promise, the church has sometimes
made the mistake of trying to build God’s Kingdom for him. But if we do that we
are not being a little flock. We are not being humble and small before God, so
as to allow him room to fulfil his promises in his way.
The temptations in our own day are more subtle.
Christendom is in the past. We live in a society of many faiths and many
secular attitudes as well. A society that assumes equality and opportunity. But
sometimes the church seems to act as though it wants the days of Christendom
back. We want to be big, to swagger, to make an impact, for people to pay
attention to us. But if we do that, we are not being the little flock we are
called to be.
Our task is not to build God’s Kingdom. We have our Father’s
promise that it is his good pleasure to give the kingdom to us. The Kingdom is
his business, not ours. Our task is to be faithful witnesses. To be ambassadors
for Jesus Christ. To be attentive to what God is doing, because the generosity
and love of God so often come to us in unexpected ways, through unexpected
In the world we live in we must be a little flock, if we
are to do that. The church must be humble and small before God, and before what
God is doing in this plural and diverse world. All truth comes from God, but
can come through many paths. The truth of revelation in Jesus Christ, attested
by the Scriptures, of course, and that is central for Christians.
But also the truths of science, of art and culture. The
truths that we can see afresh, or even for the first time, through the other
communities of faith that share our society. We must be dressed for action and
have our lamps lit, says Jesus, because God comes to us at unexpected times and
in unexpected ways, and we must be ready to receive him.
The Kingdom is God’s gift, not our construction. But God
has promised it and God will deliver – if we are small and humble enough to
receive it. “‘Do not be afraid, little flock, for it is your Father’s good
pleasure to give you the kingdom.”
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