The sermon slots in Lent are
going to be a bit different, as we’ll be using them for part of our Lent
Course, “Hope, Actually”, which we’ll be exploring in greater detail on Tuesday
What we’re going to do this
morning is that I shall say something briefly about today’s gospel reading and
unpack some of the things that are going on there. But then it will be over to
you to discuss that in pairs or in threes, for you to think about how the
Gospel might apply to us here and now. And today we are looking at the joy of
the Gospel, and how we can communicate that effectively.
So, today’s Gospel reading.
Mark’s gospel is very compact and here at the outset of Jesus’ ministry we have
three key themes set out for us.
First, the preaching of John
the Baptist warns people to be ready and to repent because the Kingdom of God
is at hand, the Lord is coming to visit his people. That is really important
news. For the Jewish people it had been centuries since God had last sent a
prophet or spoken to them in any way. They had suffered from many foreign
invasions and were now occupied by the Romans. The temple in Jerusalem,
supposedly the centre of the faith, was widely regarded as fake, just the power
base for a priestly elite, but not the place where God dwelt with his people.
Even the most faithful were wondering if God had not finally forgotten his
people. So when John says, get ready, that’s ending, God is coming to you,
that’s big news and people sit up and take notice.
Secondly, at his baptism Jesus
is identified as the Son of God. His identity and calling are established. He
is the Messiah, the fulfilment of the hopes and prophecies of old. In the
temptation in the wilderness that calling is tested and found to be true; and
Satan is defeated. Satan in the gospels personifies the destructive spiritual
power at work behind the façade of the world: the power of oppression,
accusation and exclusion that manifests itself through empires and political
structures. Jesus the Messiah has come to defeat those powers.
Thirdly, this is happening now. The time is fulfilled. The
centuries of waiting are over, God’s promises to his people have been
remembered, and the time of liberation has come. This is huge. At last! It’s
like winter has lasted for five hundred years and at last it’s the first day of
spring. And this brings both joy and urgency to the message of Jesus. Joy,
because this is good news for all but especially for the poor, the outcast and
the marginalised. Urgency, because there is now no time to lose. The word
“immediately” occurs again and again in Mark, Jesus did this then immediately
went on to do that, and so on. The time is now.
And this urgency and joy bring
with them a challenge: repent, and believe the good news. Repent, that is, turn
around, and see what God is doing, so that you can join in. And believe in the
good news. Faith is needed. There will be opposition, as has already been
hinted at, because John the Baptist, the forerunner of Jesus, has already been
arrested. But have faith, believe that this Jesus, who will be opposed and
crucified, is nonetheless the Messiah, the Son of God. Believe that it will be
through his death and resurrection that Satan will be defeated and God’s
liberation of his people will be achieved.
And the time is now, so be
ready to share the joy of the good news.
Now it’s over to you. Turn to
the person next to you, or if it’s easier join in threes, but no more as
everyone needs to have a chance to speak. There are a couple of points for
discussion on the news sheet, and please share with your neighbour what you
think. You won’t be asked to report back today but if you come on Tuesday night
there will be an opportunity then to share your insights.
- · Thinking of people we know of personally, who communicates the “joy of the Gospel” most clearly? What enables them to do this? What can they teach us about effective Christian witness?
- · Are there ways in which the Church or Christians might be obscuring the joy of the Gospel, and what can we do about it?