Wisdom 6:12-16
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Matthew 25:1-13
Baden Powell may have come up with the boy scouts, but
you might think from today’s gospel that it was Jesus who invented the girl
guides, at least if the motto of the wise bridesmaids was “be prepared”.
On the face of it, the Gospel story we’ve read today
appears to be about being ready for a future event, planning ahead, being
prepared. But, it’s a parable. Parables are stories which are meant to lead us
beyond their surface to a deeper meaning. There’s always something odd about
them, something that doesn’t quite fit, for example in today’s story there are
ten bridesmaids – but no bride. What’s that about?
Today’s reading is set near the end of Matthew’s gospel,
three days before the betrayal and death of Jesus on Good Friday. These three
days before are perhaps meant to mirror the three days after of the
resurrection, but the disciples as yet have no idea of the events that are
about to unfold. At this point, three days before his death, Jesus delivers his
last public teaching. He delivers three parables: the wise and foolish
bridesmaids, that we heard today, and the parables of the talents, and the
sheep and goats, that we’ll hear over the next two weeks.
Through these parables Jesus is preparing his disciples
for the events that are to come, his death and resurrection and his departure
from them into heaven. The disciples must not give up when these things happen,
but must learn to see that God is still present and at work.
How is God at work? This parable is about a wedding, a
recurring theme in the Bible. The Old Testament prophets spoke of Israel as
God’s “bride”, the people whom God had chosen for himself and married, so God
is the “bridegroom” of his people. But his people, like an unfaithful wife, had
constantly gone off after other gods, and not kept God’s covenant.
But the prophets always insisted that God would not
abandon his people. The bridegroom would bring his bride back again, make her
his own once more. In other words, God was not going to forget his people, no
matter what they did. God would once again “marry” his people and restore them
to a right relationship with him.
So the image of the bridegroom is that of God returning
to claim his people as his own once more. The message of the gospels is that God
in Jesus is returning to restore his people Israel, and in fact all people, to
a right relationship with him. This is why there is no bride in the parable –
the bride is the people as a whole, an image that Jesus’ hearers would have
What the Gospel is saying is that the arrival of the
bridegroom was something happening right
there and then. It was through the death and resurrection of Jesus that God
was reconciling the world to himself. So this is not a story about Christ
returning in some remote future. It’s much more urgent than that: this is
happening now, watch, stay awake.
The parable says to keep your lamps lit. What do the
lamps represent? Well, the most important function of a lamp is to shed light,
so you can see what’s going on. It’s about perception. The message of the
parable is, make sure you can see what’s happening. And what is happening is
that God is acting in Jesus.
But most people didn’t see. They had a different
perception, a different mindset. They thought that God would return in power in
a great final catastrophe, to punish the wicked and reward the good. And the
wicked, of course, were always other people – Romans, the ritually unclean, the
mentally ill, women – always the marginalised and the outsider, who were
finally going to be thrust outside for ever, whilst only the pure and good,
“people like us”, would be allowed in God’s kingdom.
What people were not expecting was that God was coming to
die on a cross. God was coming to undo our violence and our exclusion of others
by taking the place of the marginalised and outsider, the place of the victim. In
Jesus our expectations are reversed, and we see that we, too, are “outsiders”. But
we also see that, through God’s love and mercy alone, we and all the other
outsiders are being invited in to the feast of God’s kingdom.
In order to see that, you need God’s light to switch on
in your mind, so you can perceive things differently. You need a changed mind. One
of the meanings of repentance in the Bible is changing your mind, having a
completely new mindset.
St Paul says, in Romans, “Do not be conformed to this
world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds”. This means learning
to see that God is at work in Jesus. It means learning to see that God is in
the place of the victim and not the victimiser. The lamp of our consciousness
will be lit, we will be awake.
Having a lamp is also about giving light to others. Jesus
says in Matthew Chapter 5, “let your light shine before others, so that they
may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven”. We are to
live in the here and now so that people can see the light of God in our lives.
We share that light by being witnesses for Jesus and by caring for those in
need. We tend that light through prayer, sacrament and study of the Bible.
And we are to do this in the here and now, the time that
Jesus prepared his disciples for. The reconciliation of the world to God
through Christ continues, and the good news continues to be proclaimed. After
his departure Jesus entrusted this mission to the disciples. And this continues
in every generation. In the parable it grows late, it is dark, but the wise
bridesmaids keep awake through the night, watching for the bridegroom. So too
must we, the disciples of today, however dark the night, however long the
On this 100th anniversary of the First World
War we reflect on a time of great darkness that engulfed much of the world.
Violence and evil seemed to be in charge. Killing had become industrialised on
a massive scale. But even in that deep darkness many souls kept the light of
faith burning, praying for God’s kingdom, ministering to God’s people. Many
others did what they felt they must for the sake of freedom when all choices
must have seemed evil. And many found that even in darkest night, even at the
last extremity, God in Jesus is present to save if we turn to him in faith.
In the hundred years since 1914 the darkness has not gone
away, as history and current events show all too well. But the message of Jesus
does not change. Stay awake. Keep your lamps lit. Remember that our task is not
to overcome the darkness, but to bear faithful witness to the light, however
dark the night may be.
This applies in our own lives as well as in the world. We
will all know times of darkness and waiting. We will all know times when God seems
absent. The dark night of the soul, when all consolations seem to have been
withdrawn, is where we learn to trust in God alone. So stay awake, keep your
lamps lit, be faithful. The end of the long vigil will be to greet the
bridegroom as he reveals himself as saviour, reconciling all people to himself.
The reward of the long vigil is to go in with him to the eternal feast of the
Kingdom of God.